Partnership Ambassadors
For more than 40 years, the Greater Freeport Partnership Ambassadors have welcomed businesses and businesspeople, into the Freeport area. Started as a part of the Freeport Chamber of Commerce, the Ambassadors, in their signature red jackets, have been fixtures at business events since then.
The Partnership Ambassadors help to greet and orient people at networking events such as Business After Hours and Rise n’ Shines, they participate in ribbon cuttings celebrating new or newly expanded businesses, they help out at member and community events, and they volunteer at events such as bell ringing for the Salvation Army and helping with various community projects.
Ambassadors represent both the Greater Freeport Partnership AND the business they work at. Employers value having a staff person as an Ambassador because of the network they build through Ambassador activities. For more information about the Ambassador program and what is expected of members of this exclusive group, please contact any Ambassador or contact the Greater Freeport Partnership at 815-233-1350 or email us at business@greaterfreeport.com.
How to Become an Ambassador?
Ambassadors must be employed by a member in good standing with the Greater Freeport Partnership. Ambassadors represent both the Greater Freeport Partnership AND their employer. Many businesses consider it a virtue to have a staff member who is an Ambassador.
To Become an Ambassador:
- Make sure your employer is a member in good standing. You can do this by contacting the Greater Freeport Partnership
- Find a current Ambassador or someone connected to the program to be your referral. This is an important step because you can learn what is involved with being an Ambassador. The Ambassador coordinator at the Greater Freeport Partnership can also serve as a referral source.
- Fill out the application (link below) and return it to bclow@greaterfreeport.com
- The Ambassadors vote on nominees at their monthly meeting. You will be contacted after that vote and will be given an orientation to the Ambassadors.
(link to Ambassador Application. Application is in SharePoint under Business Engagement/Ambassadors/Ambassador Documents)