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Christmas Wizards: A Night of Trans Siberian Orchestra TICKETS HERE!


  • An Encouraging Voyage

    As the economic development organization for our region, the Greater Freeport Partnership continues to adjust its sails, through continuous research,…

  • Manufacturing in Stephenson County is an Opportunity for Students

    October is National Manufacturing Month. Throughout the month, you will see information regarding economic impact, business spotlights, and promotion of…

  • Taking the Bait with a Tourism Event

    Did you make it to the Northwest Illinois Air Show this past Saturday? If you did, you weren’t alone! The…

  • The Importance of Upper-Floor Redevelopment in Downtown Areas

    In many historic downtowns, the upper floors of commercial buildings often remain unused or underutilized. However, transforming these spaces into…

  • Looking Ahead

    As we step into a new quarter, we are excited to share the impactful initiatives that are shaping the economic…

  • Enterprise Zone is Key to Spurring New Residential Development

    Residential development is a key component of Freeport’s revitalization strategy, and the enterprise zone is an important tool to drive…

  • Playing Games

    It is summer. There is no question about it. We have the heat, festivals, golf outings, and summer storms to…

  • Know Your Audience

    Other Partnership staff members and I often get asked to speak to local service organizations about what’s going on in…

  • Celebrating LGBTQ+ Businesses for Pride Month

  • Building a Network

    When I meet with businesses, one of their top priorities is building a network of local people. Their reasons for…
