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Community Health

Community Health

Due to the mounting information regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), we have created this page to serve as a resource for community members with questions and concerns related with the outbreak. These are links to resources and agencies that can provide you with the best up-to-date information. We will keep this page current with new information and links as they become available. Situations are changing rapidly. Check this page often, call ahead or check online before planning visits for any services or locations you plan to visit.

Today’s News

Phase 4 Mitigations: Effective January 25, 2021

A Phase 4 Guidelines Overview can be found on the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity website.

• Indoor dining and drinking now permitted for parties of up to 10 people
• Seated areas should be arranged so that tables allow for 6 feet between parties; impermeable barriers may be installed between booths which are less than 6 feet apart

• Continue capacity limit of no more than 50% occupancy

• Continue capacity limit of no more than 50% occupancy

• Reopening select indoor recreation facilities (e.g., bowling alleys, skating rinks); indoor playgrounds and trampoline parks should remain closed
• Indoor recreation to operate at lesser of 50 customers or 50% of facility capacity

• Capacity limit of no more than 25% occupancy
• Guided tours should be limited to 50 or fewer people per group

• Limit to the lesser of 50 people or 50% of room capacity
• Multiple groups may meet in the same facility if they are socially distanced and in separate rooms

IDPH will continue to closely monitor test positivity, ICU bed availability, and the number of people in the hospital with COVID-19. Should data show regions trending in the wrong direction, based on the established mitigation metrics, regions could once again find themselves in a higher tier with increased measures.

For reopening guidance for your business or industry, check out our Recovery & Reopening page.

Health Resources

CONTACT of Northern Illinois, a United Way of Northwest Illinois partner agency, has become our central access point for people in need in Stephenson County.  815-233-4357

Centers for Disease Control
Household chemicals to fight virus

Global Case Tracker

Western Illinois GIS Coronavirus Response Hub with Map

Illinois Dept. of Public Health updates

Illinois Coronavirus News Releases


Monroe Clinic

OSF Medical Center Screening


State Resources for IL Families

  • Eligible Illinois residents and families can apply to receive assistance with food, rent, utilities, temporary shelter, medicine and other essential household services. To learn more about these expanded offerings and to fill out new remote applications made live today, visit
  • EverThrive IL launched this website answering the most common questions from Illinois families. We are hosting a webinar series – kicked off this week – to help social service providers adjust to the unique challenges of COVID-19, support families, and care for themselves. We continue to work with state and federal lawmakers to ensure the right policies are in place for families to get what they need.
  • Restore Illinois plan from Governor Pritzker
  • Call4Calm: The Illinois Department of Human Services’ Mental Health Division has launched a free-of-charge emotional support text line, Call4Calm, for Illinois residents experiencing stress and mental health issues related to COVID-19.
    Individuals who would like to speak with a mental health professional can text “TALK” to 5-5-2-0-2-0, or for Spanish, “HABLAR” to the same number: 5-5-2-0-2-0. Call4Calm is free to use, and individuals will remain anonymous.
    Once a resident sends a text to the hotline, within 24 hours they will receive a call from a counselor employed by a local community mental health center to provide support.
    Individuals can also text 5-5-2-0-2-0, with key words such as “unemployment” or “food” or “shelter” and will receive information on how navigate and access supports and services.
  • UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: Individuals without access to paid sick leave or unable to work due to COVID-19 can apply for unemployment insurance under the administration’s expansion. The governor’s executive order waives the 7-day waiting period for residents to apply for unemployment benefits, meaning anyone who qualifies can file and become immediately eligible instead of experiencing a week-long lag during this challenging time. Gov. Pritzker is working with the federal delegation and congressional leadership to push the Trump administration to allow the state to increase the length of benefits beyond 26 weeks as this crisis continues to provide significant fiscal challenges for Illinois families. How to File an Unemployment Insurance Claim and Certify for Benefits
  • Increased SNAP Benefits for IL Families
  • USDA Rural Development Opportunities for Immediate Relief

City of Freeport & Stephenson County

Local Resources for Families and Residents

City of Freeport
Stephenson County Health Department

Stephenson County grocery store senior hours

  • Aldi – Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-9:30 am (Instacart can be used to provide delivery.)
  • Sullivan Foods – Tuesday and Thursday 7:00-8:00 a.m. (No delivery available in Freeport, but CONTACT can provide delivery people.) Reusable bags not allowed.
  • Cub Foods – 6:00-7:00 am (Online delivery and pick-up through Instacart.)
  • Walgreens – Tuesday 8:00 – 9:00 am. Every Tuesday is now Senior Day for 20-30% discounts (previously only the first Tuesday of the month) On the website there is now free shipping for online orders and free delivery for prescriptions.FACC Emergency Food Assistance ProgramVoices 24 Hour Crisis Hotline (815) 235-164
    VOICES provides a vital link to safety 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for victims of domestic violence via its Crisis Hotline.   Callers are offered one-on-one support, crisis intervention, information on legal rights and options, and resources for immediate safety by trained staff Advocates.  Bilingual support can be accessed through the Language Line which offers translators in 170 different languages.

Informational Updates & Local Resources

For information on Unemployment & Paid Leave, please visit our Business page.
Local Restaurants offering Delivery & Carry-out options
Highland Community College
School District Information (Regional Office of Education)
School District Information (Illinois State Board of Education)
Freeport Township
Pretzel City Transit/Senior Resource Center

Utility Information
UTILITY RELIEF: Gov. Pritzker and Attorney General Raoul have urged the Illinois Commerce Commission to immediately institute a moratorium on shutoffs for all utility companies across Illinois – including energy, telecommunications and water – until the state disaster proclamation has been lifted. The administration is also requesting changes to payment and collection policies to ensure Illinoisans aren’t saddled with utility debt as a result of COVID-19. Several have announced plans to maintain services and waive late payment fees.
ComEd Assistance Programs
ComEd Press Release
Nicor Assistance Programs
For information on Small Business resources, click here.

Key Industries

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Construction, Plumbing, Heating, & Service

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Private Label Food Manufacturing

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Blog Feed

7 Must Do’s in February in Stephenson Co. February 10, 2025 freeport il, Stephenson County, Tourism 7 Must Do’s in February in Stephenson County February has finally come! It may not seem like a large milestone, but when January seems like the longest month of the year, we will celebrate inching toward longer days. And February brings some great events and activities to emerge from the throws of cabin fever and explore great venues in Freeport […]
2025: The Big Reveal is here January 14, 2025 If you clicked on this story looking for a super-secret news story – thanks! You’ve already proven you are in the top 25 percent of good media users! Now, stick with me for the real tragedy of the other 75 percent … As a journalism student, it was always impressed upon the group the importance of the inverted pyramid – […]
New Year, New Laws January 3, 2025 Depending on when you read this, New Year’s Day is right around the corner or just happened. New Year’s is a time when many of us make resolutions for the coming year in the hopes of improving ourselves or our situation. If you own or manage a business, the State of Illinois has some “resolutions” for you that are more […]
Exploring Global Opportunities: Highlights from the 2nd Annual International Business Forum December 17, 2024 On December 12, businesses from across Illinois gathered at Loves Park City Hall for Representative John M. Cabello’s 2nd Annual International Business Forum. This event provided an exceptional opportunity to expand horizons, develop new relationships, and explore untapped international markets.   The forum, held from 1 to 4 pm, featured honored dignitaries from Canada, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Portugal, and Taiwan. These […]