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Housing & Living


A place you want to come home to.

If you are interested in relocating to Stephenson County, our comprehensive living guide will help to answer many frequently asked questions.

Living in Stephenson County is affordable and offers the benefits of small-town life with easy access to larger amenities. One of the most picturesque spots in Illinois, the county offers rolling hills and plenty of open landscape. The cost of living in Freeport and Stephenson County is far less than nearby metro areas making it possible to have a larger home, build your assets and live comfortably in less-crowded spaces.

Average daily commute time is less than 20 minutes. Spend less time in traffic and more time with the people you love, doing what you love.

A wide array of housing options exist in Stephenson County. From tree-line boulevards and historic homes to farmettes and downtown lofts, Stephenson County offers sizes and styles in all price ranges.

Stephenson County consistently ranks high among metropolitan areas in the U.S. for most affordable housing by the National Association of Home Builders. The average family home costs much less than its equivalent in the neighboring communities of the Rockford and Chicagoland area.

You get a lot for your money in northwest Illinois. Take a look at the specifics and ponder what your hard-earned dollars can buy you here compared to the alternatives. Compare the cost of living in Stephenson County to major metro urban areas which are 30 to 200 miles outside our region, like Chicago, Milwaukee and Springfield.* The average for all participating places, both metropolitan and non-metropolitan, equals 100 and each participant’s index is read as a percentage of the average for all places.

Enjoy all four seasons! Inhabitants of northwest Illinois enjoy the benefits of having four distinct seasons. Activities change to take advantage of each unique period while city and county governments plan well ahead to keep our citizens and businesses moving whatever the weather. View average climatology data.

Stephenson County is budding into a growth mindset that brings the best of these values to existing and returning residents, creating an environment where anyone can thrive. listings in Freeport & Stephenson County.


Contact: NorthWest Illinois Alliance of Realtors
1161 Tebala Blvd
Rockford IL 61108
Phone: 815-395-6776


*Please note: Indexes for Stephenson County are projected, not actual, because the communities do not have minimum populations of 50,000.  Each quarter, the Council for Community and Economic Research, formerly known as ACCRA, produces a reasonably accurate Cost of Living Index that measures relative price levels for consumer goods and services among participating urban areas with a minimum population of 50,000. All items are priced in each place at a specified time and according to standardized specifications.

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