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An Encouraging Voyage

An Encouraging Voyage
October 17, 2024 Billy George

As the economic development organization for our region, the Greater Freeport Partnership continues to adjust its sails, through continuous research, development of varied business initiatives and effective collaboration with its stakeholders to ensure that the economic development voyage of our region stays on course amidst the changing economic climate.   

Setting Sail: Workforce Development Efforts 

At the heart of this voyage is our commitment to workforce development. With the help our educational partners, businesses, and local government entities, we continue to collaborate to promote training programs, apprenticeships, and vocational education to our high school, college students and other individuals who are already in the workforce. This endeavor is not just about filling jobs; it’s about nurturing a skilled labor force that can adapt to the evolving economic landscape. By this, we are all reminded about the Manufacturing Day tour which will be held on Thursday, October 17 and the Career & Job Fair which will be held at Highland Community College on November 6. 

Navigating the Waters: Economic Development Efforts 

As our ship sails forward, our economic development drive continues to serve as the wind in our sails. The Partnership, in collaboration with the City of Freeport, Stephenson County, and other state agencies, is actively engaging in business attraction initiatives to attract potential investments and businesses looking to establish in our region. The Partnership continues to market the region’s assets through diverse means to create the needed attention and to draw the right investments for our region. Efforts are currently underway to augment available sites that could be made ready for potential industrial investments. In the same direction, we are constantly visiting and meeting with our existing businesses to ascertain their needs and provide sustainable solutions for any challenges they are encountering. We therefore encourage all our existing businesses who have not yet responded to our business climate survey (Billy, link please) to respond, as this will help us gauge the current business needs, while incorporating your feedback into our programs.    

Anchoring Our Community: Downtown Revitalization Efforts 

A vital part of the journey involves revitalizing our downtown area, serving as the anchor of our community. With an eye on historical preservation and modern development, the Partnership’s efforts aim to create a lively, welcoming environment that attracts residents, businesses, and visitors. These efforts include infrastructure upgrades, supporting downtown business growth, and driving the creation of more residential spaces in downtown buildings’ upper floors. This rejuvenation not only boosts our local economy but also fosters a sense of pride and community spirit. 

 The Horizon Ahead: Hope and Renewal  

As our city and county navigate these waters, the horizon is filled with hope. The synergy between workforce development, economic initiatives, business attraction, and downtown revitalization creates a dynamic ecosystem poised for growth. Each successful step forward reinforces the community’s resilience and adaptability. We must always remind ourselves that this voyage is not without its challenges, but with a united vision and dedicated efforts, we will be well on our way to reaching our destination—a thriving, sustainable economy that benefits all residents. The journey ahead promises renewed opportunities, a vibrant community, and a bright future for generations to come.

John Bosco is the Development Services Manager for the Greater Freeport Partnership. He can be reached at or 815-233-1356.