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August 22, 2023 Billy George

This week and last, most of the school districts in Stephenson County resumed classes. That means students throughout the county are entering a new season of academia and activities. This is a good reminder to businesses that there are also seasons to business as well.

Your seasons are likely different from the school districts, but every industry and organization have seasons in which business changes. Maybe your cash flow fluctuates, you get new or different customers, or staff come and go. Perhaps you need to stock up on fall apparel or plan for more weather delays on your shipping of goods.

Regardless, it is important to be aware of the seasons of your industry and of your business. And like that student who goes to buy new schools supplies before the start of the school year (always the best part of starting a new school year!) with that awareness, you can prepare. Planning and preparing for seasonal changes is the difference between being able to take advantage of seasonal changes and being taken by them!

The Partnership is here to help you navigate each season in your business as well with educational offerings, networking contacts and industry analysis. Just a few of the tools we provide to our members include our marketing professional education series, networking events, small business academy (more information on the 2023 class coming soon!), and geofencing data analysis for your business.

Have a great start to this new “season” and reach out for any assistance we can offer!

BIll Clow is the Business Engagement Director for the Greater Freeport Partnership. He can be reached at or 815-233-1356.